Precipitated barium sulfate as an important raw material for plastic woven bags
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When it comes to chemical goods, many people may not be so familiar with its concept and think that it is far away from our lives. In fact, many goods in our lives are mostly involved in chemical substances during production.

When it comes to chemical products, many people may not be so familiar with its concept and think that it is far from our life. In fact, many products in our life are mostly involved in chemical substances during production, such as plastic woven bags commonly used recently, which can protect our environment from damage, so they are vigorously promoted. In fact, when it is in production, precipitated barium sulfate is one of the more important raw materials. The requirements of
plastic woven bags for products continue to increase. Among the various uses of filler masterbatch, different types and models of filler masterbatch used in plastic woven products account for more than 50% of the total. The impact of the implementation of the new national standard on the reduction of the demand for filling masterbatch will force the filling masterbatch industry to make adjustments in its development strategy.
industry in a step by step to mature at the same time, our products are constantly changing, from the precipitation of barium sulfate single product, the development of the current high-gloss barium sulfate, barium sulfate, etc., a series of different uses, different characteristics of the product. Continue to strengthen and do a good job of filling masterbatch products for polypropylene and polyethylene plastic woven bags. In a long historical period in the future, although plastic woven bags with polyester as the main raw material will appear and occupy a proportion in quantity, plastic woven products with PP and PE as the main raw materials will still occupy a dominant position. Moreover, with the total market demand increasing at a rate of more than 10%, the filling masterbatch industry is still full of vitality, A great deal. Therefore, on the existing basis, we should give full play to our own strengths and give full play to the advantages of our technical strength.
precipitated barium sulfate, with its excellent performance, is everywhere, provides some convenience for our life, and its role in many industries is more obvious. When we use such items, we suggest that we should first understand it to ensure that we will not waste resources when we use it.
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